Short Codes in the text messages
Short Codes are special texts that are wrapped inside these two special brackets: { and }. The content/Short Code is dynamically replaced with the appropriate content.
The content that replaces the Short Code depends on the recipient and from which he received the message.
For example:
Let's check an example text message in CartBoss, that has 3 different Short Codes:
Hi {FirstName}, get {DiscountValue} off, before the stock runs out: {CheckoutUrl}
In this example, Short Codes will be replaced with the recipient's name, the value of the discount offer, and the link to the checkout from where he received the message.
The message that the recipient gets would look like this:
Hi John, get 20% off before the stock runs out:
The last link (link to the checkout) is shortened to shorten the length of the message. After clicking on it, recipients are redirected to the checkout of the website from which they received the message.
List of Short Codes you can use
Shortcodes are used to populate the text message content with the recipient's information. These give a more personalized feel to the message.
Important notice
Some shortcodes are crucial for the success of your messages - for example, the {CheckoutUrl} shortcode, which is used in abandoned cart text messages, must be included so that the recipients have a link to click on, to get to the checkout!
This Short Code is replaced with the items/products in the recipient's cart.
If the recipient abandoned the cart with one product in his cart, this Short Code would be replaced with the name of the product.
If the recipient abandoned the cart with several products in his cart, it would be replaced with all of them and a comma between them.
This Short Code is replaced with a number - the number of products in the recipient's cart.
If the recipient abandoned the cart with one product in his cart, this Short Code would be replaced with the number 1.
If the recipient abandoned the cart with five products in his cart, it would be replaced with the number 5.
This Short Code is replaced with the link to the checkout page where the recipient abandoned their cart.
It is a crucial part of abandoned cart recovery text messages.
In addition, this link is shortened in order to send as short of a text message as possible.
The discount Short Code is replaced with the discount that is offered to the recipient of the message.
For instance, when offering a percentage discount, this Short Code is replaced with the amount of the percentage discount and the sign for the percentages (%).
Not all special offers built-in CartBoss support this feature.
Fixed discount - 10 €
Percentage discount - 10%
Free shipping - not supported
Custom coupon code - not supported
The {FirstName} Short Code is replaced with the name of the recipient of the message. If the name is not acquired, the message is corrected accordingly.
The {LastName} Short Code is replaced with the last name of the recipient of the message. If the last name is not acquired, the message is corrected accordingly.
This Short Code is replaced with the order number - this is used
This Short Code is replaced with the value of the order of the recipient. It is a number and a currency symbol based on the website from which the text message was sent.
This Short Code is simply replaced with the link to the homepage of the website from where the recipient received the message. The link is also shortened in order to have as short of a text message as possible.