Send post-purchase offers (Customer WinBack messages)

Want to send your customers custom post-purchase offers via text messages? CartBoss offers a simple way of creating your own custom post-purchase offers in a matter of minutes!

Post-purchase text messages are sent whenever a customer successfully completes an order on your site. 

CartBoss already has 4 pre-prepared post-purchase/Customer WinBack messages prepared for you, but, with custom post-purchase messages, the possibilities are limitless!

Sending custom text messages gives you the freedom to redirect your customers to completely customized pages so that you can even further optimize your conversions and grow your ROAS!

Examples of what you can offer your customers after they complete an order on your site

To take advantage of this feature we have a few examples below so that you can find the best fit for your online shop. All the examples below are the messages you can send to your customers after they complete an order on your site. The message can be sent after any time delay that you want and there are no limitations to how many offers/messages you decide to send. 

Offer a special offer on all products on your site

These messages are already prepared for you in the CartBoss dashboard, so you only need to activate them. After the recipient of the message clicks on the link, he is redirected to the homepage of your website. The customer can add as many products to his cart and when he gets to the checkout the special offer, that you have included in the message (for example a percentage discount) is automatically applied to his order. 

Offer a special discounted product

Send your customers a link to a product that has a special discount - an offer they can not refuse. An example of this message would be:

"Hi John, thank you for being our customer! You might be interested in this product that we have a special limited-time discount: Link"

Additional hint: Send your customers to a page with a surprise product - don't reveal what the product is, just offer a special low price just for them.

These types of offers are great for getting rid of your dead stock! In addition, you can use these types of post-purchase offers to promote your new products.

Send a link to a custom subpage on your site with multiple products

If you don't want to offer just one specific product as a post-purchase offer, you can create a custom sub-page on your site with specific products, that you want to offer to your customers. This way you grow your chance of conversion due to a broader offer and even sell more than just one product with one message. No matter the number of products the recipients add to the cart, the special offer will always be applied in the checkout automatically. 

An example of a message would be: 

"Hi John, we have a special offer for our customers! Select any product from this link and get 20% off! Choose your product here: Link"

Sending customers to a page with multiple products to choose from gives you a bigger chance of them buying one or more of the products you offer!

Advanced: Link to the checkout with a specific product (and optional special offer) already in the cart

These types of custom messages do require advanced website knowledge and link-building techniques. We recommend consulting with your web development team to see if this would work on your site and properly test it, before implementing it in your post-purchase text messages. 

With these messages, you redirect the recipients directly to the checkout, without the need for them to add the product to the cart. It does offer a superior advantage conversion-wise as there is no need for the customers to add the product to the cart. 

An example message for this offer would be:

"Hi, John! These headphones would be great for you! Simply complete the checkout and get them in 3 days! Click here: Link"

Besides just adding a product to the cart you can always append a special offer to the cart - either a discount, free shipping, or a custom coupon code. 

How to create a custom post-purchase offer

Custom post-purchase text messages are created the same way as custom abandoned cart text messages. When logged in the CartBoss dashboard go under Automations and click on the top right button Add Automation.

To create a custom post-purchase automation/message you must select in the first dropdown in the section Trigger select Customer Winback. This means that the automation/message will be triggered when a customer completes an order.

The delay for these types of text messages can vary and you can set it as you feel fit. Based on your offer and the type of customers your shop has you can find the best solution. Keep in mind, that you can always set as many consecutive post-purchase offers as you would like. 

In the Discount section, you have the option to either not offer any, offer a percentage or fixed discount, or set a custom coupon. This is a completely personal preference and varies based on the offer you have on your site - if you already have special discounts for the specific offer that you give on the custom link then there usually is no need.

There are just 2 more parts to the custom automation - setting the default text and the translation. In order to set the translations, you must first input the default text in the Message field and Save the custom automation/message. 

To make the messages dynamic, meaning that you show the recipient's name in the message, you can choose from a variety of shortcodes, that you can include in the text by simply clicking on them. These shortcodes will be automatically replaced by the data that the customer has input in the checkout form on the shop.

Important note! The links are always shortened automatically, so do not worry about your text messages being too long.

Important note! After the default text for the automation is set and the automation is saved, you can add the individual translations. To input, the translated text for a specific language simply click on the language and input the text.

Important note! When entering the translations the link to the site is usually different for every language. If the link is always the same, the recipients will always be redirected to the same page/link!

After the translations with the correct links have been entered you can go back to the Automations page where you can see that it is already activated and ready to be sent to your customers.

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