WooCommerce integration

Before installing the CartBoss plugin on your WordPress website make sure you have 

  • WordPress updated to version 5.0 or above, 
  • WooCommerce 4.0 or above, 
  • PHP version on the server 7.0 or higher.

Installing the plugin

1. In your WordPress dashboard go to Plugins and select Add New

2. In the search field write "CartBoss"

3. Click on the Install Now button. After the installation, Activate the plugin.

4. After the plugin has been activated, you will be redirected to your list of Installed plugins, where you will see 2 notifications:

  1. CartBoss API key is invalid. Please provide a valid API KEY here
  2. Plugin is activated

You can now insert the API KEY in the CartBoss plugin. After that, the site is successfully connected with your CartBoss dashboard.

Insert the API KEY

First, you need to have the API KEY, which you find in your CartBoss dashboard (under Websites, select the correct one, and click Install).

Now you have to enter the API KEY into the CartBoss plugin. To get to the plugin either:

  • Click on the link in the notification
  • Find the CartBoss plugin in the left menu

After the CartBoss plugin settings open, enter the API KEY in the Connect plugin field.

Simply enter the given API KEY and click Save Changes at the bottom of the screen. 

If the key is correct you should see a confirmation that:

  • The API key is valid
  • Sending events is OK
  • Website is active

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